InternationellT utvecklingsarbete

Erasmus+ och Ackreditering 2021-2027  

Skolan arbetar med internationell utveckling och kompetenshöjande insatser för hela skolans personal och för deltagare. Detta ger stora möjligheter för både personal och deltagare att läsa mer om Europa, höja sin kompetens för framtida arbete och fortsatta studier samt stärka demokratiska förhållningssätt och långsiktig hållbarhet.

In English

International development, Erasmus+ and Ackredity 2021-2027

The school works with international development and competence-enhancing initiatives for the entire school’s staff and for participants. This provides great opportunities for both staff and participants to read more about Europe, increase their skills for future work and further studies, and strengthen democratic approaches and long-term sustainability.

About the school

You find Skeppsholmens folk high school on the island of Skeppsholmen, right in the centre of Stockholm. Some of the courses are connected to maritime activities, as the school itself with its vicinity to the beautiful archipelago of Stockholm and the seafaring of the Baltic Sea.

The school is politically and religiously independent and led by a board. Skeppsholmens folk high school is a free school form for adult education and offers three different kind of full-time courses: one general course on upper secondary level and two special courses – a musicc ourse and a boat-building course. There are also courses for immigrants and shorter courses in photography and writing.

The general course has different profiles, like art, design/media and psycology. Depending on earlier merits, the general course can be chosen for one, two or three years and give qualifications for higher studies.

The two-year music course covers a wide range of music styles from different eras and cultures. It provides a creative environment for unexpected meetings and experiments.

The boat-building course lasts two years and here one learns the basic skills of traditional boat building. When completing the second year, the students will have built a Nordic wooden boat and they finish the whole course with a maiden voyage in our archipelago.

The activities of Skeppsholmens folk high school are all based on humanistic and democratic values and a holistic view of knowledge. Learning is seen as a process. Skeppsholmens folk high school is a meeting cultural place!

Language: All courses are in Swedish.

Contact Erasmus: Theodora Damianou, Anette Clefberg